Intermountain Bird Observatory's Diane Moore Nature Center Student Art Request
Sat, Jun 01
|See event details
Students from Kindergarten through University are invited to submit their work to be featured on Intermountain Bird Observatory signage at the Diane Moore Nature Center.

Time & Location
Jun 01, 2024, 11:50 PM – 11:55 PM
See event details
About the event
Click here for Art Submission Form
Please submit any original 2D artwork (painting, drawing, print, paper collage, etc).
● Submissions will be selected from a variety of student age ranges based on
creativity, style, and representation of the chosen species.
● We will select no more than one submission per species to be featured on signage.
● Artists may submit up to 4 original works.
● Works should be at least 5” x 5” to be featured on our nature center signage.
Please note: This is not a formal contest with declared winners. Selected artwork will be
featured on Intermountain Bird Observatory signage, brochures, website, and/or online
communications. Students whose artwork is selected will be notified via email.
Send artwork by mail to:
Intermountain Bird Observatory
c/o Heidi Ware Carlisle
1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83715
Or send a high resolution image (ideally 300dpi) to
Originals sent in the mail should be no larger than 18” x 18”, and will not be returned
unless specifically arranged in advance.
We encourage submissions featuring these four species categories. Here is a list of
species you might like to choose, but we will accept submissions of any species that
might live along the Boise River.
American Kestrel
American Robin
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Bald Eagle
Belted Kingfisher
Bewick’s Wren
Black Capped Chickadee
Black-chinned hummingbird
Bullock’s Oriole
California Quail
Cedar waxwing
Common Goldeneye
Common Merganser
Downy Woodpecker
Great Blue Heron
House Wren
Lesser Goldfinch
Northern Flicker
Orange-Crowned Warbler
Red Tailed Hawk
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
Song Sparrow
Turkey Vulture
Warbling Vireo
White-crowned Sparrow
Yellow-breasted Chat
Yellow Warbler
Insects and spiders
Western Tiger Swallowtail
Ligated Furrow Bee
Band-winged meadowhawk (dragonfly)
Ten-lined June Beetle
Viceroy Butterfly
Purple tiger beetle
Monarch Butterfly, chrysalis, or
Banded Garden Spider
Western Spotted Orbweaver spider
Hunt's Bumble Bee
Golden Northern Bumble Bee
Convergent ladybug
Red-femured Milkweed Borer
stink bug (pentatomidae)
Painted Lady butterfly
Lorquin's admiral (butterfly)
Small White (butterfly)
Bold Jumping Spider
Oleander "milkweed" aphid
thread-waisted sand wasps
Spotted bird grasshopper
Common Water Strider
Other Wildlife
Western Fence Lizard
Garter Snakes
Gopher Snake
Mule Deer
Silver-haired Bat
Cottontail Rabbit
Signal crayfish
Rainbow trout
Golden Currant
Showy Milkweed
Syringa (Mock Orange)
Purple Tansy Aster
Lewis’s Flax
Rocky Mountain Bee Plant
Munroe’s Globemallow
Purple Prairie Clover
Rocky Mountain Columbine
Wood’s Rose
Rubber Rabbitbrush
Curlycup Gumweed
Common Sunflower